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Solar Energy in Rockford Illinois: Facts, Statistics, Companies

map of rockford illinois

Rockford's Solar Potential Unveiled

Analyzing Solar Capacity and Production

Roof Size (sq. ft.)

System Capacity (kW DC)

Annual Electricity Production (kWh AC)




Solar System Costs in Rockford

System Size (kW)

Average Cost in Rockford





Financial Comparison: Rockford vs National Average

Financial Aspect


US Average

Out-of-Pocket Cost (5 kW)



Average Payback Period

12 years

11 years

Net 20-Year Savings



System Size and Value Proposition

System Size

Annual Production (kWh)

Annual Savings
















Environmental Impact in Rockford

A 2kW system can reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1.04 tons per year, akin to planting 48 trees or cutting down driving by 2,570 miles annually.

Incentives and Rebates in Rockford

Rockford provides several solar incentives:

Solar Installers in Rockford

Rockford is home to 45 verified solar installers, offering a wide range of services from installation to solar financing consultancy.

Frequently Asked Questions - Solar Energy in Rockford Illinois

What are the limitations on installing solar panels in Rockford homes?

The primary limitations include available roof space, electricity consumption patterns, net metering regulations, and the electrical system's capacity of the house.

What is the cost of installing solar panels in Rockford?

The average installation cost in Rockford is $3.49 per watt. For a 10kW system, the expected cost is around $34,900, but this can vary significantly based on specific project requirements and installer.

How do solar panels affect property values in Rockford?

According to a 2019 study by Zillow, homes with solar panels in Rockford typically sell for around 4.1% more than homes without solar systems. Solar Energy in Rockford Illinois

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