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Illinois Solar Panel Installation Costs: A Detailed 2024 Guide

calculator in a hand in front of solar panels

Key Takeaways

Key Point


Cost Factors

Solar panel costs depend on system size, home size, energy needs, and panel type.

Average Costs

Ranges from $13,600 to $34,400 before federal tax credit, varying with system size.

Savings & Payback

Long-term savings are significant; average payback period is 10.8 to 12 years.


Federal tax credit and state-specific incentives lower initial costs.


Decreasing costs of solar panels and rising electricity rates enhance solar appeal.

Breaking Down the Costs of Solar Panels in Illinois

Illinois is at the forefront of renewable energy adoption, with many homeowners considering solar panel installations. The costs vary based on several factors, leading to different price ranges for various system sizes.

Cost Analysis Based on System Size

System Size (kW)

Total Cost Before Credit

Average Cost After Federal Tax Credit

Home Size Suitable For

5 kW



1,200 sq. ft.

6 kW



1,400 sq. ft.

7 kW



1,600 sq. ft.

11 kW



2,400 sq. ft.

(Data source: EcoWatch 2024)

Factors Influencing Solar Panel Costs

  • System Size: Larger systems cost more but can generate more power.

  • Home Size & Energy Needs: Larger homes typically require more energy, influencing system size.

  • Type of Solar Panels: Panel quality and efficiency can impact costs.

  • Installation Factors: Roof type, angle, shading, and complexity of installation.

For more details on solar panel types and installation, refer to our Home Solar guide.

Solar Panel Efficiency Considerations

In Illinois, solar panel efficiency is a critical factor due to the state's below-average sunlight exposure. This can necessitate a larger number of panels to achieve desired energy output.

  • Average Sunshine: Illinois receives less sunshine compared to sunnier states.

  • Efficiency Factors: Include shading, panel angle, and geographic location.

Financial Benefits and Savings from Solar Panels

The long-term financial benefits of solar panels in Illinois are significant, despite the upfront costs.

Long-Term Savings and Payback Period

  • Average Payback Period: 10.8 to 12 years.

  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Around 3.6%.

  • Total Savings Over 25 Years: Approximately $48,565 (excluding property value increase).

(Source: SolarReviews 2024)

Incentives and Rebates Impact

  • Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC): Allows for a 30% deduction of system cost from federal taxes.

  • State-Specific Incentives: Include net metering and property tax breaks.

  • Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs): Offer additional financial benefits.

For comprehensive information on Illinois solar incentives, visit our Incentives & Rebates section.

Trends in Solar Panel Costs and Electricity Rates

The solar energy market is influenced by both decreasing equipment costs and rising electricity rates.

Decrease in Solar Equipment Costs

  • Cost Reduction: Solar PV equipment costs have dropped by about 53% over the past decade.

  • Technology Advances: Improvements in solar technology and manufacturing processes.

Increase in Electricity Rates

  • Electricity Rate Hike: Nearly 20% increase in Illinois electricity rates over the past four years.

  • Solar Appeal: Rising electricity costs make solar energy a more attractive option.

(Source: EcoWatch 2024)

Exploring Payment Options for Solar Panels in Illinois

Choosing the right financing option for solar panels in Illinois is crucial, as it affects both upfront costs and long-term savings. Here's a breakdown of the common payment methods:

Overview of Solar Financing Options

Financing Option

Initial Cost

Average Payback Timeline

Estimated 25-Year Savings

Cash Purchase

$18,060 (after tax credit)

12 years


Solar Loans

Often $0 (down payment optional)

15 years


Solar Leases

Usually $0

N/A (no ownership)


  • Cash Purchase: Offers the highest long-term savings and the shortest payback period.

  • Solar Loans: Facilitates ownership without upfront costs; payback through monthly installments.

  • Solar Leases: Ideal for avoiding upfront costs and maintenance; lower overall savings.

For an in-depth understanding of solar financing, explore our Solar Financing Guide.

Maximizing Savings with Illinois Solar Rebates and Incentives

Illinois provides several incentives and rebates to make solar installations more affordable:

Federal and State Incentives Overview

Incentive Type



Federal ITC

30% deduction from federal taxes

Significant cost reduction

State Rebates

Net metering, property tax breaks

Additional savings


Solar Renewable Energy Credits

Financial rewards for energy production

  • Federal ITC: Reduces the overall cost of solar systems.

  • State Rebates: Includes specific benefits like net metering and property tax exemptions.

  • SRECs: Offer financial incentives based on the amount of solar energy produced.

Detailed information on these incentives is available on our Incentives & Rebates page.

Impact of Trends on Solar Panel Costs in Illinois

The solar panel market in Illinois is influenced by several key trends affecting both costs and adoption rates.

Trends Influencing Solar Panel Costs




Decreasing Equipment Costs

Reduction in solar PV equipment costs

Makes solar more affordable

Rising Electricity Rates

Increase in electricity rates in Illinois

Enhances the financial appeal of solar

Environmental Considerations

Growing awareness of environmental impact

Drives adoption of clean energy solutions

  • Decreasing Equipment Costs: Due to technological advancements and increased solar adoption.

  • Rising Electricity Rates: Makes solar a cost-effective alternative to traditional energy.

  • Environmental Impact: Solar energy reduces carbon footprint and supports sustainability.

Evaluating the Long-Term Benefits of Solar Energy in Illinois

Adopting solar energy in Illinois goes beyond immediate cost savings. It's about embracing a sustainable lifestyle that yields long-term benefits.

Analyzing the Environmental Impact




Carbon Footprint Reduction

Solar energy significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Contributes to combating climate change

Sustainable Energy Source

Solar power is renewable and reduces reliance on fossil fuels

Promotes environmental conservation

The Impact on Home Value

Solar installations in Illinois not only save money on electricity bills but also can increase the value of your home. Studies have shown that homes with solar panels sell for more than homes without.

  • Property Value Increase: On average, solar panels increase home values by approximately 4.1%.

  • Market Appeal: Homes with solar panels often sell faster than those without.

(Source: Zillow 2024)

Community and Economic Benefits

  • Job Creation: The solar industry creates numerous jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance.

  • Local Economy Boost: Investing in solar supports local businesses and contributes to the state's economy.

Solar Energy's Role in Illinois's Energy Future

Illinois is poised to be a leader in solar energy adoption, with significant growth projected in the coming years.

Future Growth and Projections




Next 5 Years

Substantial increase in installed solar capacity

Positions Illinois as a key player in renewable energy


Continued decrease in solar costs

Makes solar energy increasingly accessible

  • State Initiatives: Illinois's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) mandates a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources, promoting solar adoption.

  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing improvements in solar technology are expected to increase efficiency and lower costs.

Embracing Solar Energy in Illinois

For Illinois residents considering solar energy, now is an opportune time to explore this sustainable option. With favorable state policies, technological advancements, and financial incentives, solar energy is not just a trend but a long-term investment in a cleaner, more sustainable future. 2024 Illinois Solar Panel Installation Costs.

Conclusion - 2024 Illinois Solar Panel Installation Costs

In summary, solar panel installation in Illinois offers a myriad of benefits - from significant financial savings to positive environmental impacts and increased property values. As Illinois continues to embrace renewable energy, homeowners who choose solar are at the forefront of this transition, contributing to a sustainable future while enjoying the economic benefits.

Remember, exploring solar options is not just about reducing energy costs; it's about investing in a sustainable future for generations to come.

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